NACS Show 2024
  • Las Vegas Convention Center
  • Conference: October 7-10, 2024
  • Expo: October 8-10, 2024
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Gena Morgan

Vice President, Standards and Technology

Gena Morgan, Vice President, Standards and Technology at GS1 US, leads the team responsible for helping businesses solve supply chain challenges and meet industry requirements through the adoption and use of GS1 Standards.

For more than 25 years, Ms. Morgan has worked with GS1 and GS1 US, playing a key role in many industry initiatives, including EPCglobal, RFID standards development and the activation of the Global Data Synchronization Network. Additionally, during her tenure, Ms. Morgan has worked with various industries, consortiums and technical communities in defining requirements and developing technical interface standards and guidelines, focused on data quality, digital identity, traceability and supply chain visibility. 

Prior to joining GS1 and GS1 US, Ms. Morgan consulted in information technology, and held buying and merchandising positions in the women’s apparel industry.

Ms. Morgan currently serves on the GS1 Architecture Committee and holds key advisory roles with the Axia Institute and the RAIN RFID Alliance. She holds a Bachelor of Science in merchandising from Louisiana State University.

Speaking at:

A New Dimension in Barcodes! Preparing for Sunrise 2027

The current UPC barcode is going away!  Are your systems and stores ready for this next industry transformation to the new 2D GS1 Digital link?  Learn how these new capabilities will transform...

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