NACS Show 2025
  • McCormick Place Convention Center
  • Conference: October 14-17, 2025
  • Expo: October 15-17, 2025
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Annie Gauthier

St. Romain Oil Company, LLC

Annie St. Romain Gauthier is the CFO/Co-CEO at St. Romain Oil Company in Mansura, Louisiana.  She is responsible for the company's finance and accounting, risk management, HR and strategic and culture development. A third-generation co-owner, she works with her 2 brothers and 300+ other team members to refuel & refresh the Louisiana communities where they operate.  After vowing never to work for her family's business, she worked for the Louisiana Oil Marketers & Convenience Store Association (LOMCSA) for 3 years and fell in love with the industry.  She joined the family business in 2005. She has since served in various leadership roles with LOMCSA, culminating with President in 2017.  She has served on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Convenience Stores since 2018.  She earned her Master of Convenience certification from NACS in 2021.

Annie earned her BA in British history at LSU, then discovered that law school was not for her.  She took a sabbatical after her first semester and never returned.  

Annie is a founding member of Corporate Works of Mercy Foundation, a private 501(c)3 focused on helping neighbors in need by living the biblical corporal works of mercy. Her purpose is to chart tomorrow's course from yesterday's lessons.    She enjoys cooking, baking, reading, traveling and planning trips (especially to Britain, Ireland and France).  Annie & high school sweetheart, Adam, live in their hometown of Mansura, LA, and are parents to 3 children: Samuel, Ellen and Henry.   

Speaking at:

Women in Convenience: Navigating Leadership Paths and Driving Success

Decades of studies show that having women in leadership positions help increase productivity, enhance collaboration, inspire organizational dedication, and improve fairness. If you are looking...

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